Gangleri Svidurr

Gangleri is a roleplay character for Final Fantasy XIV, played on the Balmung Server



✧Full Name: Gangleri Svidurr
✧Aliases: None
✧Alignment: Lawful Good, with neutral good leanings.
✧Age/Date of Birth: Appears 33, (99 years old)/8th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon (Dec 8th)
✧Gender: Male
✧Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
✧Race: Viera (Veena)
✧Height/Weight: 6 fulms, 1 ilms and 183 ponz
✧Build: Gangleri is tall for a viera and possesses a lithe and athletic body type
✧Eyes: Sapphire Blue
✧Hair: White with grey highlights
✧Relationship Status: Single
✧Favored Weapon: Nouliths


✧General Demeanor: Direct but honest with an almost too pleasant smile. Gangleri doesn’t like to be dishonest and will give an honest answer when presented with a question. He feels it is purely a matter of honoring the courage of the question and trusting that the person has thought about their question and is mentally and emotionally prepared for all possible answers. As such, he only asks questions that he feels he is prepared to accept any answer to.

✧Likes: Spending time around the water, walks at night, reading, meeting new people, and winter.

✧Dislikes: Perpetuation of ignorance, bigotry, or general close mindedness. Disrespect for personal boundaries. The heat.

✧Favorite Food: Roast Dodo, or Herring Pie

✧Favorite Drink: Triple Cream Coffee

✧Favorite Flower: White Amaryllis

✧Favorite Colors: White

✧What is most important: Safeguarding those in the world in need of medical aid and protection.

✧Personal Dream: He wishes to one day find meaningful and lasting connections as he continues to perfect his skills as a healer.


✧Education: Gangleri is a Sharlayan Archon in the field of medicine, with extensive training in history, botany, and alchemy as well.

✧Activities/Organizations: He still has strong ties to his homeland and often returns there for research purposes as situations need. He also has lose ties with several different mercenary and academic groups across the land.

✧Problems/Flaws: Gangleri struggles with looking to see the best in others and facing the reality that some people can't be redeemed because they simply don't want to be. Every life he has taken has been in the defense of himself or someone else in need of protecting. He vividly remembers every one of them and tends to mentally beat himself up over not being able to do more, say the right thing, or otherwise prevent their deaths.


✧Traveling Physician – Gangleri made a point during his travels to always help where he could, offering medicial aid to those in need. This might manifest in some unlikely connection based on people he has helped in the past.

✧Connection to Sharlayan – As an archon of Sharlayan, Gangleri has great access to the areas of his homeland and often travels to and from there as the desire and need arise. As such, there are a great number of people he knows from Sharlayan and might call on for aid, or whom might call on him.

✧Mercenary Work – From time to time Gangleri would seek out the aid of mercenaries when his field work involved transversing a particularly dangerous area or involved the potential for aggression. This has led to him having a surprising number of mercenary contacts.

Please note that unless told this information IC, none of this well known if it is known at all. If you have questions about if your character might know any part of her history, feel free to message me in game for clarity. Thank you.

The early life of a scholar- Gangleri was born and raised in Sharlayan, his grandfather being the first of his line to call the island nation home. Like most of his peers from his homeland, Gangleri had a deep appreciation of knowledge and dove deep into his studies. For many years Gangleri was fascinated by the history of the world, and had set his sights on achieving the status of archon in the field of ancient history, but things change.

Both of his parents were gleaners, which is how they met, specializing in items of Ilsabard. After a time his mother began to fall ill until she could no longer continue her duties. It was determined that she had contracted some aetherial ailment from one of her more dangerous jobs involving some ruins in Ilsabard. As her health began to deteriorate Gangleri couldn't sit by and do nothing, and so he began researching everything he could concerning both the ruins involved and the ailments and symptoms his mother possessed. He spoke at great length with anyone he could find who might be able to aid him in his search for answers, and in doing so impressed many with not only his passion but his keen understanding of the subjects in question. Working with senior scholars and physicians they were able to determine the ultimate cause of his mother's ailment and through the use of delicate alchemy, concoct a tonic to purge her of the affliction and restore her health. This led the young Gangleri to devote all of his time and talent to the pursuit of medicine, eventually earning him the status of archon.

Leaving Home- After he had achieved his academic goals he found that he longed to see his medical skills put to direct use aiding the people of the world. As he looked around his homeland he found that for the most part, there was little true need for his talents there. So, he set his sights on the world at large and decided his first stop would be what had been the Sharlayan settlement in the Dravanian Hinterlands, now known as Idyllshire.

Once arriving it didn't take long to gain an understanding of the toll the Dragonsong War placed on all who were swept up in its path,and Gangleri was no different. There are many stories that could be told throughout this portion of Gangleri's life. In the end, the amount of blood and pain he found himself in took it's toll and this led to Gangleri finding a way to leave Dravania and Coerthas at large. For some time afterwards he merely wandered the world seeking to clear his head before finally returning home to Sharlayan.

Traveling abroad and field work- Gangleri returned home and set about writing several books denoting his own experiences and practices he learned during his time in Dravania and Coerthas, as well as, some of his more mundane travels about the land. Having spent a much needed respite back in his homeland he once again gave thought to the greater world.
He found longed to see Ilsabard and explore it's many wonders and history, a popular subject growing up in his household.

He set about making notes and preparation for an expedition across Ilsabard in search of medicinal flora to categorize, examine, and make use of through the application of alchemy. These preparation included the procurement of funds needed to hire several mercenaries to act as protection along the way. Gangleri set about doing this by using small groups on limited contracts along particular routes through some of the more dangerous areas of the trek. This allowed him to meet all manner of local people, versed in the lands to which he traveled, and refrain from dealing with any large groups or large amounts of gil at any given location. At the conclusion of his travels he had compiled quite an extensive bit of knowledge on the flora of the continent and once again returned home to recoup and add to the accumulated tomes of his homeland.

His place now- Gangleri has once again left Sharlayan, first traveling to the far east for a time, enjoying what would only truly be thought of as a vacation. He ventured about the area, simply enjoying life for a time and providing healing where needed as he went. As with all vacations though, it ended and he returned home unsure of what his next undertaking would be but also troubled by the growing issues in the world he saw as he traveled. At length he spoke with his parents upon his return and after staying barely a week, he set out again, heading out with a new plan in mind.


Hello, I'll start with a little bit about myself. I'm over 40 and have been writing, playing, and running roleplaying games for roughly 30+ years now. It is by far my favorite hobby and one I have extensive experience with across many systems and genres. I'm happily married with two lovely small boys and my family is my whole world. Nothing comes before them.

✧Rp Style:

I would say that I'm a medium roleplayer with some leanings towards heavy. Although I find the story well written and the combat enjoyable, roleplaying with others is where I get most of my enjoyment in game. I am perfectly ok with having OOC discussions but I prefer they not interrupt roleplay if possible.

✧Views on RP combat and injuries:

I feel roleplay injuries and combat to be a natural part of the game. I have roleplayed characters suffering from many injuries throughout their careers and find that when combat is called for then it adds to the roleplay. That being said, I do not believe it ever benefits anyone to take things to a godlike extreme when it comes to classes and combat. Such as, don't all of a sudden pull a magical knife that has the power to never have the injuries it inflicts be healed and constantly cause crippling pain and expect me to not hit the PAUSE button and ask, "WTF?"

✧Views on IC romance:

I think this is another area of the game where doing it well is beneficial but going overboard can bring misery to all. I love the idea of character meeting and relationships being formed, romantic or not. This is one of the great joys of mmo roleplaying, the ability to interact and have relationships with other characters. If this becomes romantic, then you get to explore something new in character. My only real advice is keep it IC and not OOC.

✧Views on non-romantic RP:

See above. Caveat: Non-romantic relationships are a pillar of a good roleplay community. Friends IC usually make good friends OOC. Romantic IC count as good friends OOC in this case.

✧Views on lore:

Lore is the backbone of the game and without it then we are basically playing in the plumb pudding of fantasy rpgs. The lore is what makes the world and the game itself, unique. That being said I find the lore works as a great place to start building characters and then go from there. I am okay with roleplaying things not specifically defined by the game, but a head's up is always appreciated.

✧Views on chat functions (/say,/linkshells, etc.):

I use says almost exclusively IC. Linkshells, tells, and other sorts of contact I adjust based on who I am speaking with. If a LS is mostly OOC then I use it for OOC, but if it is designed to be a hub for RP, then roleplay it is.


I may AFK at random times in game. I am a parent of two very small boys, one of which has special needs and is nonverbal, and at times they may need something immediately and they come first. I always try to alert those I am rping with that I will be AFK, but that is not always possible.
I'm pretty much always IC when my "Rp" tag is up, so really most any walk up RP is totally fine. If you're unsure, just message me. When in groups that are using party as OOC, then so will I but I try to keep all of his /say text IC as often as possible.
I do enjoy PVE content, so even though I am almost always IC there are times when I just don't feel like RPing so please don't take it personally if I'm not up for it right away. If people are interested I am a fan of converting PvE content into Rp experiences, but I understand people are not always into that.

Overall, I'm pretty chill as far as guidelines go. I don't have an extensive list of 'Do's or 'Don't's or things that I personally find triggering. So chances are, you won't offend me or make me uncomfortable unless you're trying and putting in extreme effort. That being said there is a big difference between me being frustrated and my character being frustrated. Still, for the sake of making sure everyone's on the same page here, let me make a few mentions in particular:


Permanent character death
Mature themes that are not related to plots or character development
ERP (Erotic Roleplay)


Most mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use, coarse and excessive language, etc.)
Temporary injury and incapacitation.
Temporary captivity or imprisonment.
Most walk-up encounters.
Long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Ask first please!
Long-term captivity or imprisonment. Ask first please!

✧This isn't a huge list that shows everything that could come up so if in doubt, just ask! I prefer to set out guidelines for RP in advance anyway so I know what goal to have in mind.
